18th Oct , 2020

We're so excited to share our Q&A with the incredible Rosie James. Rosie has supported clients with remarkable health transformations, including reversing diabetes, weight loss and improving metabolic function. Rosie is a top professional in her field. Really hope you enjoy Rosie's Q&A as much as we did.
What inspired you to get into personal training and nutrition?
I have always been interested in primary healthcare with a background in community nursing. I am passionate about keeping people healthy and avoiding disease rather than the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff treating patients when it’s too late. In my personal life, I have run many running events (half marathons, marathons and an ultra-marathon) and competed in a bodybuilding competition. After a few changes at work, I decided to take the plunge (5 years ago) and retrain as a Personal Trainer. I quickly learned fitness will only get you so far and thus furthered my training into Nutrition. I became interested in low carb nutrition about 2 and a half years ago and completely overhauled my life. I always ate well but was controlled by a sweet tooth and massive sugar cravings during the afternoon slump! I could see the relationship between sugar and how I felt but it wasn’t until I tried keto, I could really overcome it. After running a hugely successful 12 Week Transformation programme, where I helped 9 people lose over 80kgs I decided to do my Diploma in Nutrition and became a Nutritionist!
What is your philosophy when it comes to diet?
Wholefoods! The quality of your food is so, so important. There is not a single person alive who should not eat nutrient dense wholefoods. We have a real problem with an abundance of over processed foods and SUGAR. You enter a supermarket and all you can see is packets everywhere. When you turn most of those packets over and read the labels, they contain unrecognizable ingredients, numbers and a million different words for sugar. It’s so wrong. I would love to see a world where we go back to the basics food wise. Sustainably farmed meat, vegetables, eggs, fruit and good quality dairy. I obviously have a love for low carb nutrition but it’s not essential for all. The number one rule is to eat good quality nutrient dense wholefoods and to ditch sugar in the process.
What have been your biggest fitness/health/nutrition learnings over the years?
Fitness - you don’t have to beat yourself up with exercise to make progress. In fact, that can be detrimental to your health long term. Find something you enjoy and just get out and do it. Start off easy and build your way up. Stay consistent and you’ll see progress. Most of the time I exercise at about 60% of my capability because that’s the pace I enjoy. Keep it fun and you won’t want to give up so easy.
Health and Nutrition - you are what you eat. There is a direct link between food and all aspects of your health. Other factors are involved but you have the most control over food. Look after your body and treat it the same way you would if it was somebody else’s.
Do you currently have any personal fitness goals of your own you’re working towards?
Yes! I am training towards the Nelson Half marathon event here in Nelson. After a year of cancelled events I am pretty damn excited to get out there again!
What achievement or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am really proud of my Online 12 Week Keto Transformation. This programme has helped me change lives. I have had clients that have reversed diabetes, stopped suffering from migraines and reduced pain medications for arthritis. I wrote this programme myself to incorporate exercise and a ketogenic lifestyle. It’s a complete overhaul for those that want to improve their health. Hundreds of people have lost between 5kgs and 17kgs. It’s literally the bees knees and I wrote it myself!
What does an average day on a plate look like for you?
I start my day at 5am with collagen in my coffee. I usually then fast until around lunchtime. I am a habitual overeater and suffer from some digestive issues so fasting works well for me. Typically, I break the fast with eggs, a protein and berry smoothie or leftovers from the night before. I exercise a lot, so I try to keep my protein relatively high. I snack through the afternoon. Usually yoghurt and no grain cereal or some keto treats! Our family meal in the evening is pretty simple (my son is on the spectrum and prefers pretty simple food). Usually meat and vegetables. Sometimes I add in carb for the rest of the family but avoid starchy carbs for myself.
You have a 28 Day Keto Kickstart e-book, why Keto?
A ketogenic diet is great for balancing hormones (as long as you eat enough!), reducing inflammation in your body, controlling appetite and cravings, weight loss, reducing body fat, improving energy levels and mental clarity. It’s also well documented as a method to reverse type 2 diabetes.
What changes have you observed in yourself and/or your clients since following keto?
Reduction in inflammation, mental clarity, weight loss, fat loss, reversal of type 2 diabetes, reduction in migraines, reduction in arthritic pain, reduction in sugar cravings, improved mood, improved sleep and a better control of cravings.
What is one of the biggest misconceptions about leading a keto lifestyle?
A lot of people believe you have to eat less than 20gms of carbohydrate to be in ketosis. For most people it can be a lot higher than this. Considering your carbohydrate comes from vegetables and low sugar fruit it is not sustainable to eat so little carb long term. The exception would be for those controlling seizures with a ketogenic diet.
When it comes to fitness, what are the main benefits of a personal trainer?
Having a Personal Trainer is great for accountability, guidance and motivation when it comes to fitness. It is a fantastic investment in your health.
For those considering a personal trainer, what qualities and/or experience do you think are important to look for in a prospective trainer?
You need to be able to relate to your Personal Trainer. It is after all a personal relationship you are building and it’s important they understand where you’ve come from and what your goals are - not just what they think you need. If you have a specific condition they should have experience in this area or a willingness to investigate and learn about it.
Learn more about Rosie's keto transformation program at Rosie James
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09th Nov , 2020
Benefits of Keto
Thinking of starting keto? Then you’ve come to the right place! A ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat and moderate-protein diet that alters the body’s metabolism to use fat as the preferred fuel, rather than sugars.

What is Keto?
A ketogenic diet is very low in carbohydrates and moderate in protein, meaning a high percentage of total energy (kilojoule) intake comes from fat rather than carbs.